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The InSPIRE project was a federal grant program that was implemented from 2013-2021. While grant funds are no longer available, program resources have been achieved here for reference.

In School Pregnant/Parenting Interventions, Resources, and Education (InSPIRE)

The In School Pregnancy/Parenting Interventions, Resources, and Education Project (InSPIRE) aims to improve the education, economic, health, and social outcomes for school-age parents and their children. The grant will provide technical and financial assistance to school districts to provide education, training, and support for school-age parents and their children and support comprehensive implementation of PI 19. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction will use the funds for 13 grants to public school districts including 37 targeted high schools and their community services providers. The department will facilitate training, technical assistance, and cross-site evaluation.

InSPIRE Funded Sites

The four-year project outcomes include:

  • Increased high school graduation rates for school age parents
  • Increased enrollment in post secondary schools for school age parents
  • Decreased repeat pregnancies before age 20
  • Increased knowledge of effective parenting practices

The project will also measure intermediate outcomes related to:

  • Expanded educational options for school-age parents
  • Maintain or increase attendance of school age parents in education programs
  • Access to services
    • Family planning
    • Mental health
    • Health Care
    • Child care
  • Positive parenting skills
  • Young father involvement in school and parenting
  • Increased post secondary enrollment

Funding for the Wisconsin InSPIRE project is provided by the Office of Adolescent Health (OAH), Pregnancy Assistance Funding (Grant #SP1AH000027). For more information about the funding or the OAH go to:

Recommended Strategies
Professional Development
Grantee Resources

InSPIRE Resources

Recommended Strategies

All program services and components funded through the grant will be culturally appropriate, medically accurate and should be evidence-based or evidence-informed. DPI will provide further guidance on recommended strategies to schools that are funded. More general information about federally approved programs can be found on the following websites:
Services to prevent teen pregnancy
Home visiting programs that target families with pregnant women and children birth to five
SAMHSA’s National Registry of evidence-based programs and practices

Professional Development


Enhancing the Effectiveness of Family-Based Programs for Teen Parents


Grantee Resources 


Social Marketing


Project Evaluation

Needs Assessment Resources

Grant Application Workshop Resources

  1. The Next Generation of Title IX
  2. Pregnant and Parenting Students: A Guide for Schools
  3. Working with Pregnant and Parenting Teens Tip Sheet
  4. Research Articles:
For questions about this information, contact Molly Herrmann (608) 264-9550