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Data Collection

School Nurse Data Collection

The Wisconsin School Health Services Report survey is designed to collect annual school nursing and health services data from each school district to develop a cumulative statewide picture of school health services.

This is a voluntary report; however, the Department of Public Instruction encourages all district school nurses to participate. Only one person from each district should total the 2023-2024 data for all individual schools in the district and report it as an aggregated (school district) total to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction by August 15, 2024. Private or charter schools are welcome to participate if their data is not part of another aggregated district. If your district does not have a school nurse, you may still participate by designating one individual to complete the survey. Many questions do not require the collection or calculation of specific data points.

Note that even if school districts do not collect individual student health information, they can enter important information into the 2023-2024 WISCONSIN HEALTH SERVICES REPORT SURVEY. The survey asks questions about district level services such as stocking medications, medical advisors, and health services personnel FTE’s. It does not collect information on student office visits or disposition. Only the chronic health condition data points collected by the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) are included. If districts do not collect data on chronic health conditions, they can still participate in the survey.

Collecting data as part of this state initiative is very important. Only by collecting accurate data regarding the health services provided to Wisconsin school children can school nurses give voice to the role school nurses play in removing health related barriers to students’ education and the role school nurses have in promoting and protecting the health of Wisconsin school children!

Information from the survey may be shared with organizations who advocate for school health, including NASN’s national school health data set Every Student Counts. Only aggregate data will be reported. No individual district identifiers will be shared. By submitting information you agree to these terms.

Read each question carefully, as well as its definition. It is recommended you print off a copy of the “Wisconsin School Health Services Survey End of Year Report Tool” and complete it first before clicking on the link to enter the data. Your responses will be saved automatically as you enter data and you do not need to complete this report in one sitting. If you use the same device, and have not deleted the cookies in your browser, you can re-enter the report by clicking the same link that brought you here. You will also receive copies of your response with a "retake link" at the bottom. You may use that retake link to re-enter the survey at any time to update responses.

Upon completing the survey, you will receive an email with a summary of your responses.

2023-2024 Wisconsin School Health Services Report Survey

For questions, please contact Louise Wilson at: or 608-266-8857.

2023-24 Wisconsin School Health Services Report Template. Use this template to collect and organize your data before inputting into survey.
For questions about this information, contact Louise Wilson (608) 266-8857