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End-of-Year Reporting

Carl Perkins Act Grant participating districts are required to submit their CTE data and an end-of-year report annually. CTE data is used to meet federal reporting requirements, assist districts in measuring progress on mandated Core Performance Indicators, and comply with the Office of Civil Rights Compliance monitoring.

Timeline for Report Submission

DPI Number/Name Due Dates
End of Year Report September 30

End-of-Year Report

The Perkins Law requires recipients of Perkins grant funds use resources (Perkins or local funding) toward the following activities. Each grant recipient (fiscal agent) signed the Assurances document at the time of application, confirming that resources would be targeted as directed in Section 135(a)(b)(1-6) of the law. The Perkins V End-of-the-Year Report form is to be used to provide information on activities required under Section 135(a)(b)(1-6) of the law. This replaces the Perkins IV End-of the-Year Report (form PI-1304).

For questions about this information, contact Christine Lenske (608) 266-3922